Adolescent Dual Diagnosis Disorders Inpatient Treatment

Mental health and substance use go hand in hand. So why choose a treatment program that treats just one of those issues?

A father comforts his teenage son while they sit in the living room

Dual Diagnosis Disorder Treatment

If your teen is struggling with a mental health condition and a co-occurring substance use disorder, River Vista’s dual diagnosis program may be right for you.

What is dual diagnosis disorders treatment?

A dual diagnosis disorder is when a mental health issue and a substance use issue are ongoing, together. For example, this could be depression and a problem with alcohol or anxiety and a problem with opioids. Treating one does not treat the other, and a program that understands both is the best way to help your loved one move forward.

Signs of substance use in teens

If you are concerned your loved one is abusing drugs or alcohol, these are some of the signs to look out for:

  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • Sudden changes in mannerisms
  • Sudden changes in friend groups
  • Introduction to bad friend groups
  • Unnecessary anger when confronted
  • Violating curfew
  • Social and family withdrawal

We Are Here to Help!

To schedule a no-cost, confidential assessment or to learn more about our programs, call us at 559-603-6000.