Visitor Information

What to Expect as a Visitor

Thank you for accepting our invitation to visit your friend or loved one. It is our goal to provide the highest quality of healthcare to our patients. In order to do so, we have established guidelines. Many of these guidelines are in response to mental health laws and regulations and seek to protect the safety, rights and confidentiality of our patients.

Please take a few moments to review these guidelines before you visit. We also expect each visitor to conduct themselves in a supportive fashion and follow the hospital visitation policies in order to enhance the safety and well-being of all patients including their loved ones.

What Are Visiting Hours?


  • Unit 1 – 3-3:50pm
  • Unit 3 – 4-4:50pm
  • Unit 4 – 2-2:50pm


  • Unit 2 – 3:30-4:30pm

All visitors must be 18 years of age or older.

Preparing for Visitation

  • Please call the hospital to coordinate your visitation so we can let the patient know you will be coming
  • Only two visitors per patient
  • Must bring valid ID
  • No swapping out visitors during visit
  • Arrive 25 minutes prior to the designated visitation group time on the day using the schedule above
  • Provide us with the patient name and security code
  • Limit your personal belongings to a car key and valid ID. For safety reasons, all personal belongings including cell phones are not allowed in the hospital. You may bring cash/card for vending machines
  • When you arrive, our staff will ask you screening questions for illness and security will screen and wand for contraband
  • Staff will escort you to the hospital visitation areas (patio or gym) at the designated time

What can I bring to the hospital?

Very few outside items are allowed in a psychiatric hospital in order to ensure a safe environment for each patient. Anything that could be used for self-harm or could jeopardize confidentiality is strictly prohibited including cell phones. You may bring cash/card for vending machines.

Outside food is not allowed.

What can I leave with a patient?

You can bring a limited amount of clothing for a patient. We ask that no more than a three-day supply be brought in. We have restrictions on items that could pose a threat or harm patients or staff. Such items are referred to as contraband. Please refrain from giving patients any sharp objects, clothing with ties, underwire or laces, chemical or hard plastic items including teddy bears.

May I make phone calls to my loved one?

Phone calls with patients are encouraged during free time. Exceptions will be made if clinically indicated. Unit phones are made available to patients and located in the unit hallways. We ask patients to limit their calls to 10 minutes so that other patients can access the phone.

Can I send mail or flowers to my loved one?

You can send mail and address it to your loved one. Please note, for safety reasons all mail will be opened in front of a staff member. Flowers are not allowed on the units.

Dedicated to Hope, Healing and Recovery

Our trained staff is available by telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assess an individual in crisis and arrange admission to the appropriate level of care. Confidential assessments and referrals are available at no cost. Whatever the need, day or night, quality care is a phone call away. Call 559-603-6000 today for a no-cost assessment.

We Are Here to Help!

To schedule a no-cost, confidential assessment or to learn more about our programs, call us at 559-603-6000.